Do you live your life with purpose?

Posted by neil on January 26, 2010

The title of this article is extremely thought provoking.
However, the content of this article can be easily implemented.

I recently had the opportunity to view a video interview of fellow real estate investor Julie Broad.


I was able to learn something from Julie by watching this video. As a result, I felt that it was very important to share with all of you what I learned.

Julie is co-owner of RevNYou with Real Estate along with Dave Peniuk.

Julie mentions something in her interview that really opened my eyes to my own personal behaviour.

She made a comment that one of the factors that contributes to her success is that she has a purpose for everything that she does in life.

On the surface, this may seem like simple advice, or maybe even insignificant advice.

However, if you truly adhere to this advice, you become an extremely successful individual.

Hearing this advice from Julie made me realize that I do have purpose in my life, however, I can do a better job at implementing a purpose for EVERYTHING that I do in life.

By making this simple adjustment over just a few days, I can already see how much more productive I am.

This advice can apply to anyone who is in a position where they are looking to buy a rental property. As humans, we are generally inefficient, and we waste a lot of our time on tasks of little importance.

If we can always keep a mental note, that everything that we do has to have a purpose, we will start to realize tremendous results.

Here is an example to help demonstrate how having a purpose with everything you do, can lead you to becoming more efficient.

This evening I attending a meeting with fellow like-minded real estate investors. My purpose for being there was to attend one particular presentation that I had prior knowledge of before the meeting. I was looking forward to this presentation, and I enjoyed it.

After the presentation was over, I had no reason (or purpose) to be there any longer. In the back of my mind, I knew that I had to write a blog article today before the day was over.

As a result, I now had a new purpose, and that was to write a blog article before the end of the day. As a result, I left my meeting and came home so that I could write this article.

What’s the big deal you might be thinking? So what, I was at a meeting, I left the meeting, and then came home. Big deal !!!

Well, there is something significant happening here that I hope you caught onto. That is, I had a purpose of attending the meeting, and I attended. I then had a purpose of writing an article, and I did it.

Having a purpose allows us to stay focused on carrying out our goals.

Always have a purpose, no matter what it is that you are going in life.

2 Comments to Do you live your life with purpose?

  • Hey Neil,
    Thanks so much for featuring the interview. I really enjoyed your comments – and what you took from it. Living a purpose driven life really is so important. And I am so happy that is what you took away from the interview … most people just commented on my red Olympic mittens. 🙂 Thanks again for the feature!!

    • Hi Julie,

      No problem. It was a great interview. I definitely took a lot away from the interview, so thanks again. I enjoy learning from like minded people.

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