Do you have what it takes to make it as a real estate investor?

Posted by neil on May 19, 2010

What’s up Everybody?

I am always speaking with new and aspiring real estate investors.

I love chatting with people and hearing about how they are starting to get involved with real estate investing.

Most conversations I have are very positive.  However, I had a couple of recent conversations that I found somewhat concerning.

A small hand full of aspiring real estate investors were doing all the wrong things, in that they were setting themselves up for eventual failure.

When I spoke with these new and aspiring investors they were not in good spots in their real estate investing careers. Some of these people had been investing for a few years, while some others had just started to invest.

In speaking with them, I could easily tell that they did not have what it takes to make it as professional real estate investors.

It was easy to notice this, as there were commonalities shared among these investors.

These investors shared 2 ‘traits’ that will eventually lead, in my opinion to the destruction of their real estate investing careers.  These traits were:

1) Greed

There is no good way to sugar coat what I am about to say, and that is:

Humans are greedy.

As a new or aspiring real estate investor, if you are motivated by greed, or you allow greed to continualy influence your decision making process, chances are that you will get your rear end handed to you at some point in your real estate investing career.

Greed clouds judgement and it forces individuals to make poor decisions.  If you are a real estate investor, and you are continually making poor decisions as influenced by greed, sooner or later, one of these poor decisions will end up costing you financially.

2) Lack of due diligence

The second trait that these investors shared was that they exercised a lack of due diligence. Simply put, these wannabe investors did not do any of their homework, and got involved in real estate transactions that they had no business getting involved with in the first place.

Personally, I cannot fathom how people invest in real estate without doing their homework first.  Buying a rental property is often times one of the biggest investments one can make.  If you are making a big investment, surely one would think that you would do your homework first.  Right?

People take so much time researching what type of flat screen TV or car to buy.  Sometimes people take years doing this research.  Why isn’t the same due diligence exercised when people buy real estate?

I know the answer to this.

It is because Greed will often cloud their judgement.

If as a new real estate investor, you are constantly suppressing your desire to be greedy, and you are completing necessary due diligence before investing, you are two steps ahead of those individuals that are not.

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Onwards and Upwards!

Neil Uttamsingh


ps: learn how to make it as a real estate investor by following Don R. Campbell’s Blog

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