Faithful Real Estate Investing

Posted by neil on May 21, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Being a real estate investor can be a difficult task at times…

I always hear people talk about real estate and how they will one day invest in real estate and purchase their first rental property.

I should really keep track of how many people I have talked to who have been interested in real estate investing, and the amount of people that have actually taken the leap, and invested in real estate.

I have always found the the percentage of people that end up investing in real estate, compared to those that just talk about it, is quite small.

I think that this percentage is small because people have no faith or lose faith in their ability to follow through and purchase real estate.

Whether you are a new or an experienced real estate investor you always have to KEEP THE FAITH.

What does ‘KEEP THE FAITH’ mean?

“Keep the Faith” means constantly believing in yourself AND believing that you will eventually purchase real estate and create wealth through this vehicle.

How do you believe in yourself?

The truth here is that people are not taught how to do this.  If people are not taught how to believe in themselves… how is an individual supposed to believe in oneself?  Again, learning how to believe in yourself is not taught, it is a learned behaviour that the minority of the population benefit from.

You learn how to believe in yourself by reading books

I have learned by watching and studying successful people in real estate that in order to BELIEVE in yourself,  you need to read books.  These would be books related to real estate and books related to personal development.  Not only does reading these types of books increase your own knowledge of real estate, they also help you to become inspired, become more motivated and confident.

How have I come to the conclusion that reading books help you to believe in yourself?

Truthfully, this took me a while to discover.  One day, I did however start to notice a commonality among the top performing real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs.  This commonality was simply that they all read books on real estate and books on personal development.

A tip for new real estate investors

Don’t just go out and buy any book on real estate or personal development.  Rather, pay close attention to what experienced real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs are reading.  Don’t re-create the wheel.  Start to read the books that have been read by others that have come before you.

One of the first books that I read that has helped me so much in business and in real estate was:

Think and Grow Rich

If you have not read this book, I highly recommend that you do.  All of the successful real estate investors that I know have read this book.

Are you an experienced real estate investor?  If so, what books do you recommend for the new real estate investors to read?  Please leave your comments in the comments section below.

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Onwards and Upwards!

Neil Uttamsingh


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4 Comments to Faithful Real Estate Investing

  • Hi Neil

    Excellent article. On the same topic, it also takes a lot of faith and conviction in what one is doing during bad times. For example when one is faced with major repairs, ongoing vacancies, tenant evictions or even rent declines during a market correction.

    This is where one’s metle is tested and will determine if that person is in this business for the long term. My best advice is plan for the worst case scanario and have a sizable reserve fund for those unexpected costs or vacancies.

    Ajay Sritharan

    • Hi Ajay,
      Thanks for your comment.
      You are absolutely right. Keeping the faith during tough time is just as equally important.
      How many time have we heard successful real estate investors tell us that they were on the verge of giving up, the first time that they encountered major problems? I have heard this more than once, and I am confident that you have as well.
      Sticking to things, having conviction and faith is needed during the tough times as well.
      Thanks again for your comment Ajay.
      Best Regards,

  • Hey Neil,

    Great post! Here are 5 other recommended books….I could make a huge list, but this is a start 🙂
    The Power of Focus (Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt)
    Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle (Jim Rohn)
    The One Minute Millionaire (Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen)
    Maximum Achievement (Brian Tracy)
    How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

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