Real Estate Investing For Dummies

Posted by neil on September 09, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are all doing well.

I am trying to come up with some more catchy titles for my blog posts these days.  What do you think of today’s title?

I titled today’s article, Real Estate Investing for Dummies in order to impress upon people how easy investing in real estate can be…

Let it be know that you do not have to be an intellectual or have a very high IQ in order to invest in real estate and become successful at it.  I will be the first t admit that I am not an academic (although I tried to force myself to become one for a long time).  For a long time, I was hard on myself for not being a great academic…

However, as time went on and I started to become more successful in the real estate game, I became at peace with the fact that I wasn’t a smart academic.

A person with average academic intelligence, can become a super successful real estate investor, there is no question about that!

Your success as a  real estate investor has nothing to do with your academic intelligence, rather it has everything to do with your specialized knowledge.

In one of my favourite books, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, the topic of general knowledge and specialized knowledge is discussed.

Napoleon had studied the most successful business people of his time and had found a common trait within the most successful people.  The common trait that these successful people had was that they were very rich in specialized knowledge, not general knowledge.

What this means, as it relates to real estate investing is that you are increasing your chances of success, and you are becoming a smarter real estate investor, when you read and study about real estate investing.  You do not need to concern yourself too much with filling your brain with a lot of general knowledge.

I will repeat that just in case you missed it…

You do not need to concern yourself too much with filling your brain with a lot of general knowledge.

This has been one of my greatest discoveries, as there was a time in which I used to try to fill my brain with as much information as I could.  I thought that one’s measure of intelligence was directly related to how much ‘stuff’ I knew.  I could not have been more wrong, and I am glad that I came across and read Think and Grow Rich when I did.

So, to summarize my rant, which I hope has not been too confusing, here is what you need to do…

As a new or aspiring real estate investor:

  • Do not get down on yourself if you are not smart academically (you do not need to be in order to become a successful real estate investor).
  • Focus on acquiring specialized knowledge, not general knowledge. (this means read as much as you can about real estate, learn strategies, talk to other experience investors, fill your brain with ‘everything’ real estate)

The more you begin to take a proactive approach with regards to real estate investing, the more knowledgeable you will become and the less AFRAID you will be as well!

A lot of people are never able to shake the fears that they have about investing in real estate simply because they do not have any knowledge on the topic.

It is their  lack of knowledge which results in them becoming uncertain.  When someone is uncertain about something, they often experience anxiety which results in PARALYSIS in many cases. (Paralysis simply means people do not end up taking any action at all)

Become less afraid and more knowledgeable by acquiring specialized knowledge on real estate!

Don’t be a Dummy!

Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh

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