The Real Estate Investment Network

Why I am a H8R of fear, and why you should be one too

Posted by neil on August 30, 2010
General / 1 Comment

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are all doing well.

It seems that lately, the topic of ‘fear’ has been on my mind, and for good reason as well.

As an active real estate investor, ‘fear’ should constantly surrounds you.

In my last post, I talked about how fear is constantly felt by experienced real estate investors. I described how these experienced real estate investors are able to decipher a secret to success. It is this very secret that gives them the confidence, focus and follow through in order to invest in real estate.

Today I want to talk about why I dislike fear so much.

I dislike fear so much because I have seen first hand how fear smothers the dreams of aspiring real estate investors.

I cannot count how many times, I have been contacted or approached by people that are interested in investing in real estate.  They come to me with such hesitation.

They are hesitant because they are afraid.

With this hesitation, they also show some excitement.  They are excited about the opportunities that investing in real estate will one day provide them with.

By nature, I thoroughly enjoy helping others, and I never turn down an opportunity to talk to someone about real estate investment, and share my knowledge with them.

I always pour my heart out and give them as much advice as I possibly can. I always share all the knowledge that I have, and I don’t keep any secrets as to how one can get started.

However, I know in the back of my mind, that the chances of this person’s success in real estate investment, lies only with them.  Time after time when I have conversations with people about getting started, despite how much time I have spent encouraging them and despite how much knowledge I have given them, I never know if they will ever succeed.

The reason why I dislike fear so much is that fear stops most of these people from ever doing anything.

Every single person that comes to me for advice, I tell them the same thing.

“You have to surround yourself with people that are investing in real estate, so that you can learn from them.”

This is a simple enough suggestion, right?


It is disappointing as to how few people take this advice.  The people that do take this advice (the minority) are the ones that forge ahead, become smarter, more confident, and become successful at investing in real estate.

The people that do not take this advice, are the ones that usually never get started.  They constantly stay limited with their knowledge of real estate, because they have no one to learn from. The people that they are surrounded by may be fantastic people, however, they may have no clue about anything related to real estate, business, or wealth creation.

When someone finally comes to the realization that the closest people in their lives, the ones that they love the most, may not have all the answers for them..that is when change starts to happen.

Aspiring real estate investors have to realize that you have to bring into your lives people with knowledge of real estate, people that you can learn from, and people that will push you to achieve more.

I can tell you this from experience, as I have learned so much from my friends and fellow colleagues at The Real Estate Investment Network. (REIN)

In my opinion, REIN  is the best network of real estate investors in North America.  I would be surprised if there was a group of equal integrity found anywhere else in the world.

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Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh.

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