Why is Remembrance Day Important?

Posted by neil on November 11, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well.

Today is November 11th and that means that it is  Remembrance Day here in Canada.

The majority of the readers of First Rental Property are from North America, and as a result are very familiar with this day and what it means.

To the many American readers I have, your day is known as Veterans Day and it  also occurs today, as you know.

Remembrance Day, also referred to as Poppy Day, Veterans Day, or Armistice Day is observed in Commonwealth countries.

The purpose of the day is to remember the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and civilians during times of war.

Increasingly, this special day is also acknowledged by many non-Commonwealth countries.

I find it fitting to give this background of Remembrance Day as readers of First Rental Property come from 50 different countries and territories around the world, and as a result may not even know what Remembrance Day is.

Today I took the opportunity to attend a Remembrance Day ceremony held in my Town.

It was great to see the event so well attended.  Many people took the time out of their day to show their respect and remember those that gave their lives in order to protect their country.

It was great to see a good number of living veterans in the crowd. For some reason, I thought there would be a lot fewer in attendance given the fact that they are all aging.  It was great to see so many of them, decorated with all of their medals.

I also took note of the fact that there were kids in attendance.  Remembrance Day is not a holiday here in Canada.  As such, this meant that these kids had coordinated with their parents or teachers in order to attend the event.  This I found impressive, as many adults are indifferent to this day, and don’t take nearly as much time to reflect when compared to kids.

Here is a picture I took at the event:

remembrance day

I have consciously made the decision not to talk about real estate investing in this post.

I decided this because in life there are more important things than real estate investing.

Today is an example of one of them.

If you so incline, don’t forget to take some time today to remember the sacrifices made by others, so that we can live in peace.

Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh.

PS: Follow my blog.  Enter your e-mail address on the LEFT hand side of the blog.

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2 Comments to Why is Remembrance Day Important?

  • Hi Neil,

    Working for a bank awarded me the day off today and I decided to write a blog post. Instead of not talking about Real Estate, I decided to discuss the Economic Freedom we have here in Canada (and the U.S.) as a way of explaining why I am thankful for the sacrifices made by previous generations. Without those brave men standing up for the ideal of freedom, where would be be today?

    In any case, its important to take a minute to reflect on those sacrifices and be grateful for those who fought to keep our country as free as it still is.


    • Hi Andrew,

      Thank you for your comment.

      You are so very right. It is important to take a minute and reflect on a day like today, November 11th.

      We can never forget the sacrifices others made in order to make our lives better today.

      Neil Uttamsingh

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