Your Power Is In Your Network

Posted by neil on July 20, 2010

Hi Everybody,

I hope you are all doing well.

Today I want to talk to you about your real estate network, and how powerful it truly can be.

When you are first starting out as a real estate investor, chances are that you have not established a solid network of like minded people.

The more time you spend involved with real estate investing, the more real estate investor meetings and investment groups you attend, the larger your network will become.

While you are attending all of these meetings, you are no doubt meeting a lot of people, who potentially will be able to help you down the road.

You are not going to stay in touch with all of the real estate investors that you meet along the way, rather, if you are able to make a handful of strong relationships with other investors, this in my belief is all you need at the end of the day.

Personally, I leverage from time to time on my network of fellow real estate investors. I have a small group of  real estate investors that I go to for advice whenever I do not know how to deal with an issue. (some of whom will be reading this post!)

The interesting observation I have made with this group is that, I consider most if not all of the people in the group to be smarter than  I am.  They are smarter than me when it comes to running a business, they have great instincts, and they are very smart entrepreneurs.

I feel no shame due to the fact that they are smarter than I am.  This is  because I know that whenever I need help with something and I go to one of these people for help, I am going to get very valuable feedback, which will help me to solve my problem.

As a new real estate investor just starting off, you want to establish a network of people that know more than you do, and who have more experience than you do investing in real estate.

Many novice investors make the mistake of establishing a network of fellow investors who have the same skill set as they do, or who have the same level of experience.

Although, you might be able to learn a thing or two from one another, when you are faced with a very difficult problem, chances are that no one in your network will be able to help you.

In summary, the greatest discovery that I have made about building an effective network of fellow real estate investors is to…

Surround yourself with a network of people that are smarter than you

It will take a while for you to realize the benefits of doing this.  For me, it took me over 2 years to realize how important and valuable the network was that I had established.

For example, today I was dealing with a challenging real estate investing issue.  As a result, I sent an e-mail out to a small group of fellow real estate investors, who have also become my friends.

Within a few hours, I recieved responses from them as to how I should deal with the issue that I was facing.

The advice that they provided me with, I am going to implement.  In addition, the advice that they provided will help me to effectively solve the current problem that I am facing.

The Power of your network is incredible.  Build it well, and take care of it.

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Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh

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