How Real Estate Investors Leverage Criticism

Posted by neil on January 10, 2011

The greatest basketball player to every play the game once said, ” I have looked at every experience I have had either positive or negative and I have seen all those experiences as being positive.”  This legendary player was none other than the great Michael Jordan.

As a new real estate investor, you will have many positive and negative experiences during your real estate investing career.

The secret to lasting as a real estate investor over the long run, is to ignore the negative experiences and focus on the positive ones.  If you dwell on the negative experiences, you will have a horrible time as a real estate investor, and chances are that you will quit sooner or later.

Real estate investors are often criticized by others in the following ways:

First, people will tell you that real estate investing is too risky.  They may make you feel guilty by saying to you that you are taking on too much risk, or that ‘the bottom’ will fall out of the real estate market soon.

Second, another form of criticism that real estate investors face is from people who say that “real estate is not a good investment.”

I always love hearing people tell me this.  I guess it is because in my mind I know that they are SO wrong.  However, in their mind, they think that they are SO right.

It is humorous.  I laugh to myself when I engage in conversations with people that are trying to convince me that real estate is not a good investment, and that the stock market or financial markets are a better investment.

To survive as a real estate investor, you have to learn how to both ignore the negative criticism that you encounter AND use this criticism to fuel you.

There will also be negative people in this world, that will have something bad to say about real estate, or that will be jealous of your accomplishments.  These people will try to bring your spirits down.  You cannot let them.  You need to learn the art of ignoring these people.  Once you become good at ignoring these people, it really becomes quite fun.  (The act of ignoring)

Further, you have to be able to learn how to use negative criticism as fuel.  This fuel can be used to motivate you.

This is easier said than done.  However, once you figure out how to harness criticism and turn it into ‘fuel’ that motivates you, you will be an unstoppable real estate investor, just like Brian Persaud.

Best Regards,
Neil Uttamsingh

ps: If you liked this post and the video, and want to learn how to become a real estate investor, subscribe to my blog today!


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3 Comments to How Real Estate Investors Leverage Criticism

  • Hi Neil,

    Great article!

    I have few techniques that work for me to keep me moving forward.
    One is, I always tell myself that I get paid to solve problems.
    Another is to find ways to “get it done”. It may seem cheese, but the reality is most times we can’t rely on the beaten path and common knowledge. We really have to find a way to do it ourselves.
    Between those two, I usually find motivation to try harder and continue.


  • Yes & yes.
    Criticism is external, motivation is internal.
    There is facts & there is rhetoric (also know as BS in the common vernacular). As one of my coaches used to tell me, “FACTS talk and BS walks”.
    I will say this, if you are selling s/th BS sells better than facts…

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