brian persaud

How To Increase Your Confidence

Posted by neil on April 08, 2011
General / 2 Comments

The mission statement of this blog is to, “provide knowledge and confidence to help you buy your first rental property.”

If you have been following this blog for some time, hopefully you are gaining the necessary confidence to help you take action toward buying your first rental property.

If you are still struggling with your confidence, I have the perfect solution for you.

Before I present you with this great solution, I am going to make a quick comment.

Neil’s Quick Comment

In all my years of investing in real estate, I have noticed that those individuals who DO NOT invest in real estate, however truly want to, fundamentally lack confidence.

There are of course other factors that come into play as well, however, if you are not confident, nothing else matters, and you will never end up investing in real estate.

My friend and fellow real estate investor Brian Persaud once planted a seed of thought in my head, that helped me to understand further the dynamic of people, real estate, and how people can increase their confidence with respect to real estate investing.

Brian said that sometimes people can increase their confidence by coming out of their comfort zone by doing things such as martial arts. (These are not his exact words, rather, I am interpreting and paraphrasing some of his dialogue)

His idea here was that martial arts generally gets people out of their regular routine, and provides them with something new and exciting that they have never done before.

Once people partake in this new and exciting activity, their comfort zone will have expanded, and they may feel more inclined to do something now (invest in real estate) that they were once afraid of doing in the past.

Plain and simple, if you lack confidence and you want to increase confidence, you have to do something that is going to take you WAY out of your comfort zone.  You can do martial arts or you can do door to door canvasing for a political party…

Enter The 2011 Federal Election

If you are Canadian, you are reading this article in April 2011, and you are looking to improve upon your confidence, I highly recommend that you do door to door canvassing for a political party or candidate.

There is an upcoming Federal Election in Canada on May 2nd 2011.  Any candidate who is looking to run a good campaign and who is looking to win needs volunteers.

The quickest way you can get a crash course on how to improve your confidence is by becoming a door to door canvasser.

Speaking to people door to door is not an easy thing to do.  You will find that by doing this, your confidence level will automatically increase, the more you are speaking to people in this fashion.

The end goal of course is to increase your overall confidence level so that you can take action and not be afraid of doing other things such as investing in real estate.

Confidence is a funny thing.  It is funny in that when you increase your confidence levels in one area of your life (for instance through door to door canvassing), it can have a very positive effect on other areas of your life.  (for instance your comfort level with real estate investing)

In Summary

If you are looking to invest in real estate, however you are too afraid to take any action at this point, you need to improve upon your confidence.

If you are in Canada, get out and start volunteering for a political candidate or political party during this federal election.  You have just under a month left, so get out there right away!

You will be surprised how much confidence you will gain by speaking to complete strangers door to door.

Do something to increase you confidence today!

Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh

ps: If you want to buy your first rental property and don’t know where to begin, subscribe to my blog.  I will help to improve your confidence and knowledge so that you can buy your first rental property.

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How Real Estate Investors Leverage Criticism

Posted by neil on January 10, 2011
General / 3 Comments

The greatest basketball player to every play the game once said, ” I have looked at every experience I have had either positive or negative and I have seen all those experiences as being positive.”  This legendary player was none other than the great Michael Jordan.

As a new real estate investor, you will have many positive and negative experiences during your real estate investing career.

The secret to lasting as a real estate investor over the long run, is to ignore the negative experiences and focus on the positive ones.  If you dwell on the negative experiences, you will have a horrible time as a real estate investor, and chances are that you will quit sooner or later.

Real estate investors are often criticized by others in the following ways:

First, people will tell you that real estate investing is too risky.  They may make you feel guilty by saying to you that you are taking on too much risk, or that ‘the bottom’ will fall out of the real estate market soon.

Second, another form of criticism that real estate investors face is from people who say that “real estate is not a good investment.”

I always love hearing people tell me this.  I guess it is because in my mind I know that they are SO wrong.  However, in their mind, they think that they are SO right.

It is humorous.  I laugh to myself when I engage in conversations with people that are trying to convince me that real estate is not a good investment, and that the stock market or financial markets are a better investment.

To survive as a real estate investor, you have to learn how to both ignore the negative criticism that you encounter AND use this criticism to fuel you.

There will also be negative people in this world, that will have something bad to say about real estate, or that will be jealous of your accomplishments.  These people will try to bring your spirits down.  You cannot let them.  You need to learn the art of ignoring these people.  Once you become good at ignoring these people, it really becomes quite fun.  (The act of ignoring)

Further, you have to be able to learn how to use negative criticism as fuel.  This fuel can be used to motivate you.

This is easier said than done.  However, once you figure out how to harness criticism and turn it into ‘fuel’ that motivates you, you will be an unstoppable real estate investor, just like Brian Persaud.

Best Regards,
Neil Uttamsingh

ps: If you liked this post and the video, and want to learn how to become a real estate investor, subscribe to my blog today!


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Why The Media Loves Don R. Campbell

Posted by neil on December 01, 2010
General / 1 Comment

You know you are good when the media is always contacting you for interviews. 

This is the life of Don R. Campbell.  Don is the President of The Real Estate Investment Network.

I am a proud member of The Real Estate Investment Network and I have previously spoken about the many advantages of becoming a REIN member .  I have also spoken about reasons  not to become a REIN Member.

The media, especially the Canadian media loves Don R. Campbell, because he is an authority on the real estate investment world.

Today is an important day for you if you are a new real estate investor.

Don will be featured on the hit TV Show Inside Toronto Real Estate. 

My friend and fellow real estate investor, Brian Persaud of Real Experts Inc. will be speaking to Don in detail about the real estate investing landscape.

If you are in the Toronto area, tune in to Rogers TV tonight at 7pm

If you are outside of the Toronto area, check your local listings for the availability of this show.

Hopefully soon, there will be online streaming of Brian’s shows on the web.  As a result, you will be able to get caught up with all of the great episodes and guests that Brian has had on the show. 

So once again, if you are in the Toronto area, tune in tonight at 7pm to Rogers TV.  If you are outside of this area, check your local listings.

I will keep you all up to date when full episodes of Inside Toronto Real Estate become available on the web.

Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh

PS: To keep up to date with my blog, enter your e-mail address on the LEFT hand side of the blog.  To receive The First Rental Property Newsletter, enter your e-mail address on the RIGHT hand side of the blog.  In The First Rental Property Newsletter, experienced real estate investors will share with you how they purchased their first rental property.  They will also share with you tips and tricks in order to help you get started.

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